Wednesday, February 17, 2021


When reading science fiction books as a child, I remember being fascinated by the idea of whole cities being built under glass domes. While obviously scary, since it would mean that something would be seriously wrong with the planet’s atmosphere, my fascination has since moved on to winter gardens and other less frightening constructs. Here in Umeå, one long-term favourite has been the cultural centre Väven with its large “piazza” built under a glass roof, allowing for lazy brunches at Gotthards in the midst of winter. 

Likewise, my gym is located under a large glass dome. With the temperature again being below -20 degrees this morning, I decided to forgo my morning lake run and instead take the bus down to USM for some tempo running and strength training. Looking up on the blue cold sky above, it was difficult not to think of those less fortunate in Texas who are currently suffering massive power outages. Electricity remains as crucial as ever for human freedom and development. As such, it is painful to witness the complete lack of global imagination that continues to plague the Swedish energy debate, including most recently Per Bolund’s blanket dismissal of next-generation nuclear.

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