Monday, March 18, 2024

On a marché sur la Lune

It is early Monday morning, William is reading Destination Moon with Tintin while I am once again catching a train to Halmstad. If I keep doing this until my retirement, I will have travelled the distance to the Moon and back along these tracks.

Meanwhile, on the theme of saying the right things for the wrong reasons, the Sweden Democrat Charlie Weimer has pointed out the obvious, that “Fit for 55” is not going to happen. To any long-time reader of Rawls & Me, this should not come as a surprise. Though emissions did go down in Germany last year, mostly thanks to a stagnating industry and greater imports of nuclear electricity from France, the massive cuts envisaged in the EU deal would require hundreds of new nuclear reactors on the continent or a complete deindustrialization, neither of which appear particularly likely.

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