Thursday, September 05, 2024

Indian summer

Yesterday, I had the privilege of welcoming a new class of more than 60 students down in Halmstad. Despite the Indian summer and the lack of oxygen in the lecture hall, their enthusiasm of starting a new chapter in their lives was not to be mistaken.

Today, however, I took the 5.59 a.m. service in the opposite direction towards Örebro. After working three hours on the train (only slightly distracted by the misty sunrise outside), I was greeted by Sofi and her flat-coated retriever Krut at the railway station. 

Together we drove up to Ramsjön where the temperature was well above 20 degrees and the lake was baking in sunshine, all making Kilsbergen feel very different compared to some ice-cold swims in the past. Having eaten our packed lunch on the bridge, we got to visit the small town of Nora as well before it was time for me to take the train back to Gothenburg and reality.


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