Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Towards 120 km

Equipped with a new cap from YMR Track Club and the sunglasses that I still hope to wear on Malta, I just completed my fourth consecutive 20+ km day. Aiming for an all-time high of 120 km this week, I am curious to see how my body will react to this increase in volume. With FjÀllmaraton 100k coming up in August, I know I need at least 2-3 weeks when I am topping out at 140-150 km if I am to have some chance of completing the race.

In the real world, difficult decisions abound with regard to Covid vaccinations and how to strike the right balance between the different kinds of risks. For the moment, it seems that we are underestimating the cost of caution as every delay means that many more people will die. Still, downplaying known risks, however small, for utilitarian reasons may end up increasing vaccination hesitancy and thereby further frustrate hopes of ever achieving herd immunity.



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