Friday, March 19, 2021

Passport renewal

Having had a passport since I was six months old and my parents took me on a trip to Poland, I will of course not let a little “gripezinha” (to speak with Bolsonaro) stop me from renewing my passport as it expires next month. Still, it of course remains uncertain when I will be able to actually travel again. While I have not given up on Malta, the island has seen a recent surge with almost double the number of cases per capita compared to Sweden, leading to a “lockdown light” being imposed over the coming month with travel restrictions between Gozo (where the race is taking place) and the main island as well as a closure of all restaurants etc.

With the realities of the pandemic in mind, it may be that international travel will remain limited for much of 2021. As such, I decided to register for Gotland Ultra Marathon in early October as I think it is an event that will actually happen. Taking place on the same day as Tvåälvsloppet, it is a 52k trail race between the fishing community Hallshuk in the north of the island and the main city Visby, following the sea for most of the time. 

As for the greater world, I am cherishing the stamps in my old passport, and the memories of all the places that I have been able to travel to over the past five years of its validity, including St Petersburg, Lima and Beirut.

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