Saturday, October 17, 2020


As much as I love writing and thinking in English, there are words that are simply lost in translation. “Älvlöpning” is one and over the year that I have been running with Elin, it has become the 20-part of my 80/20-running to speak with Matt Fitzgerald. Yesterday, with ice accumulating on the wooden decks along the river, Elin and I took it slower though as we followed the river upstream and finalized our plans for the NYC Marathon on Tuesday. The plan is to pace around 4:50 min/km on average, something that I know will become increasingly hard as the kilometres add up.

Otherwise, I had a very productive meeting with my PhD student yesterday, following up on his dissertation plan seminar on Thursday before picking up the boys in Innertavle. I also discovered that my friend Marcel Wissenburg has cited me in a new paper on rewilding in which he uses the Tolkien universe to illustrate different ideal types of landscape management, including Lothlórien and Mordor.

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