Tuesday, September 01, 2020


Since Lombardy has been in the news mostly for Covid-19 this year, I thought it would be good to travel (if only culinarily) to Val Taleggio for some grilled polenta with caramelized onions and the famed local cheese, if nothing else to make up for some of the calories lost when running.

Otherwise, I had the first meeting with my new mentee today. Walking around campus together in the early autumn sunshine with a cup of gourmet coffee from Kahls, I was reminded of what my mother always tells me about how she was working long hours indoors at the hospital and how spoilt I am in comparison. I guess she has a point but, looking at the calendar for the coming month, I certainly have some work of my own lined up. As such, I may not be able to post as much on Rawls & Me as I have in the past, but I will of course take you along to both the High Coast and Bergslagsleden. Unfortunately, I just learned that STHLM Loop on the 24th of October has been officially cancelled. If I am lucky, Kullamannen will still happen the weekend after but I would not bet my last money on it.

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