Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Trail break

Close to the school in Innertavle, there is a 2.5 kilometres trail which is mostly used for skiing during the winter season. Trying to find the last kilometres needed to complete the UTMB Virtual 170 race, I decided to spend the time before William’s first break with running a couple of loops. As basically everywhere else in the neighbourhood, it is the same former elite athlete who has the Course Record, in this case 8 minutes and 48 seconds which equates to a psychotic 3:40 min/km pace.

On my second loop, I was able to run the trail in 9 minutes and 48 seconds, earning me a place on the podium as number three of all times. Coming back afterwards for one of the hills, I was even able to set a new Course Record by racing a few hundred meters uphill in a 3:17 min/km pace, in no small part thanks to all the elevation gain that I was able to get up in Kiruna.

However, the big event of the day was of course William’s first day in school...



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