Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Silver Road

Ester Blenda Nordström was Sweden’s first investigative journalist. A hundred years ago, she travelled everywhere from Kamchatka to Buenos Aires, often hitchhiking alone. In the autumn following the outbreak of the First World War, she went north and became entangled in Sweden’s colonial enterprise in relation to the indigenous Sami population.

Today, I was thrilled to find Fatima Bremmer’s excellent biography about Nordström in the mailbox and I have had a hard time putting it down. Otherwise I had been thinking about ordering a completely different book about the #highnorth but as the number of tasks on my list are piling up faster than I can complete them, I guess I will have to pass on that for now, especially with all the running eating up my time. Just this morning I went for a 27 km long run which took almost three hours. As I expected and despite getting up at 4 am, making room for such long runs have been the most difficult part of my preparations for the Amsterdam Marathon. Perhaps if I stopped updating Rawls & Me every day I would have more time but what would be the fun in that?

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