Friday, June 06, 2014

...and rotate!

As our Airbus breaks through the low cloud cover hanging above Incheon Airport, I look back upon a crazy week full of final seminars, articles to proof read and many fond farewells. 350 kg of books are now on their way with boat to Europe together with a Muji beanbag, a red Mini Cooper toy car and an oversized Teutonia stroller that turned out to be more suited for wide snowy streets in Kiruna than narrow Asian alleyways (I think all in all we used it maybe five times).

More than 7,000 km to the southwest lies Doha and the Arabian Peninsula. This time, it will only be a brief stop to check out the new Hamad International Airport and transfer to our connecting flight up to Copenhagen. 16 long hours of flying which still feel okay considering that it will probably be the last time in a long while that we travel overseas with Eddie. With only a couple of blank pages left in his passport, it is time for him to settle down in Umeå and start a new life at the nursery. It is fascinating to think about how these two years on the road have affected him. All the tastes and sounds, the different hotel rooms and all the people constantly seeking his attention. While he is unlikely to remember anything concrete, I think it has still been a good experience for him to somehow deep down know that the world is both big and open.