Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nationell närsynthet

Programmet fortsätter att väcka reaktioner, bland annat på landets ledarsidor. Jag kände mig tvungen att komma med en replik som publicerades i dagens DN:


Friday, April 25, 2014

Back to the future

After a month of intensive work in the city, we decided to leave for Jeju-do this afternoon. This island in the Yellow Sea has been a recurrent favourite over the last three years. Landing among the palm trees in the evening breeze, it felt just as magic as when we left in October. For the first night, we are staying at UFO Pension on the northern shore of the island.

As for the TV-programme, I was both relieved and thrilled to see the final result:



Monday, April 21, 2014


This coming Thursday 24 April at 8 pm, it is finally time for the documentary “Politiker utan mål” (“politicians without aims”) to be broadcast on national TV in Sweden (SVT2). I have only seen a handful of pictures from my interview (in which I all look like a madman) but I am nonetheless very enthusiastic about the programme idea and the important questions that it raises.