Monday, September 16, 2024

A case of Mondays

After a weekend like that, coming back to work is always a bit of a transition, and even more so when your first class is three hours of quantitative methodology. Yet, thanks to my lovely students, I soon eased into it and now I am genuinely looking forward to the remaining 4 x 2 hours of SPSS workshops later this week.

Nevertheless, having an unusual three-hour midday break in Halmstad, I changed into my running shoes and went about exploring “Östra Stranden” which I never got to run along during Halland Ultra-Beach back in August. To my surprise, the sea was just as warm as the beach was empty of people, and I got to jump into the water already at the halfway point without having to run all the way down to the far end.

Then, after a quick shower at Nordic Wellness, I got to listen to Tomas Wedin’s “docent lecture” on cultural equality. As always with Tomas, the lecture was highly scholarly and left me with a lot of food for thought. Sadly, I could not stay longer and listen to the other lectures as I had to take the train back home and take care of the kids.



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