Saturday, October 23, 2021

Lebanon and Hong Kong

Though obviously different in many ways, I just read a reflective essay in The Atlantic that compared the fate of Lebanon and Hong Kong, two places that have both experienced a recent loss of freedom. As liberal values have been pushed back, once vibrant and creative societies have suffered, leaving behind fear and a sense of loss.

Having lived in Hong Kong and visited Lebanon, this essay struck a chord with me. I remember the protests in support of Ai Weiwei on campus and how different the Mainland seemed every time one passed the border at Lo Wu. I also remember the hope that I felt among the protesters in Lebanon back in 2019, not knowing how hard the Covid pandemic and then the port explosion would hit them. In hindsight, my two Monocle guides clearly seem to belong to a different universe. Still, I think it is crucial to not fall victim to defeatism. While those wanting to build walls and sow distrust of others may have gained the upper hand for now, we should not stop believing in the open society and a planetary future without borders.


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