Sunday, August 29, 2021

Old recipes

As a long-distance runner, you become quite mindful about how your body feels at different levels of exertion. Having trained with heart rate for a couple of years, I also know fairly well what heart rate I “should” have at a certain pace. However, following the second shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, my heart rate has been about 10-20 bpm higher when exercising than before, something that has also been reflected in that my Polar watch running index has dropped from “Elite” to “Very good” on some of my runs.

In light of this, I decided to take an extra rest day yesterday and, voilà, today I was back as “Elite” with an average heart rate of 145 bpm (which is only 5-10 bpm higher than before), so things are clearly going in the right direction. As for other running related things, I should also mention that the Hoka Mach 4 has quickly become my favourite daily trainer with 245 km already logged.  

Back home, I was reminded of a Youtube clip about breakfast in 18th century America, and though not actually much of a “recipe”, I decided to attempt its version of poached egg, collops (smoked bacon) and toast. But then, postmodernity caught up with me, and I could not resist adding some avocado, voiding any historical accuracy.



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