Monday, February 01, 2021

Thyme and skis

Monday and the kids are home again from school with “minimal cold symptoms”. Deprived of my usual school commute with the Thule Cougar, I started the morning with a lake run (which once again has become possible after the snowstorm a week ago). Otherwise, I have spent much of the day with LMS maintenance, as in setting up different groups in Canvas and uploading assignments for my three courses.

In a weak moment last night, I ordered a pair of Fischer RCR cross-country skis which I hope to receive later this week. Considering that we live in a Nordic skiing paradise, it is embarrassing that it has taken me this long, but I have simply been hesitant to commit to another equipment-intense sport, especially as I am already averaging 40 hours of aerobic activities per month. However, with both kids loving their skis, I thought this could be a good way of doing something social together while giving me a shortcut to some strength training outside of the gym. It should come as surprise to no one, but I have already signed up for two Strava skiing challenges...

For dinner tonight, I sinned and made some creamy thyme chicken with Dijon and honey mustard.

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