Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Cape Cod

After little more than a week at school, both kids have been home again today with “minimal cold symptoms”. Hopefully, we will have a quicker turnaround than last time. For dinner tonight I made lime marinated cod with red curry together with a glass of Latitude chardonnay from N.Z., thinking that the Pacific has rarely felt further away.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the world, it seems as if the Biden administration will double-down on the travel restrictions imposed by Trump (who ironically decided to lift some restrictions from the 26th of January, a decision that now will be reversed). With SARS-CoV-2 already circulating widely in the American population, it makes little sense to take such a harsh stance with regard to international travel. Considering that vaccine uptake is likely to remain limited for a long time, and that there are uncertainties about how infectious those immunized will be, this means that the US may remain inaccessible for European travellers for the foreseeable future, even for those vaccinated.

As for cancelled trips, I was not surprised to learn that my marathon on Cyprus in March has been moved to early December. By then, I think there is a good chance that the event will indeed go ahead as planned and I am already looking forward to escaping the winter cold in Umeå. Now, I am just waiting to hear that Kullamannen on the same weekend is also cancelled.


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