Monday, November 02, 2020

Wütendes Wetter

Stealing the title from Fredi’s pop science book, the remnants of the tropical storm Zeta made it to Umeå this morning with 60 mm of rain and heavy winds just in time for my morning run with the Thule Cougar to Innertavle. The last time I experienced a rain storm like this was on the day before South Devon Ultra when I was driving down from London to Dartmouth in my rental car. Luckily, race day was all blue skies but it definitely instilled some respect for the Atlantic in me.

On that theme, there is a 100 miles race even further out in Cornvall called the “Arc of Attrition” that I would love to run one day post-covid. Before that however, I was thrilled to discover that there will be one more year of Bergslagsleden Ultra, this time along a different route with several distances to choose from, among which I will probably go for the 65 km option.



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