Wednesday, November 04, 2020


Waking up four or five times through the night to no avail, I would be lying if I said that the US election has not had me on tenterhooks. I guess Eliot A. Cohen put it better than most in his Foreign Affairs essay:

"Beyond the realm of policy, a Trump victory would mark a sea change for the United States’ relationship with the rest of the world. It would signal to others that Washington has given up its aspirations for global leadership and abandoned any notion of moral purpose on the international stage. It would usher in a period of disorder and bristling conflict, as countries heed the law of the jungle and scramble to fend for themselves. And a second Trump term would confirm what many have begun to fear: that the shining city on a hill has grown dim and that American power is but a thing of the past."

However, while the election still remains undecided, Biden seems to be on a clear path to victory, at least as long as Trump does not succeed in causing legal havoc or simply refuses to leave office, two prospects that I fear are not entirely out of the realm of the possible. To somehow keep my stress levels in check, I took the bike down to USM for 3k of indoor rowing and some strength training.


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