Wednesday, November 14, 2018


The hot, dry Nor’West wind has formed a unique terroir in the Waipara Valley over millennia. For someone living just below the Arctic Circle, it takes a bit of recalibration to make sense of the notion of warm winds coming down from the north.

Today, the Swedish parliament voted down Ulf Kristersson as new prime minister. Since Kristersson would have depended on the support of the Sweden Democrats, this marks a break with the rest of Europe where centre-right parties have been all too happy to collaborate with the extreme right. The obvious question is of course what happens next? If we end up with a rerun of the election, there is a clear risk that the Sweden Democrats will grow even further and ultimately come into power. But for now, we have taken a step back from the abyss.

As I keep playing with continents, I made vegan noodles with Thai pesto for dinner together with some mango and avocado.

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