Monday, October 09, 2017

The New Fire

Last year, I made my first ever donation through Kickstarter to help turn a new movie about young idealistic people working with nuclear innovation into reality. Now, at the Cambridge Film Festival, this movie, called “The New Fire”, will have its world premiere!

Meanwhile, in South Korea, Michael Shellenberger is giving a talk at KAIST this Wednesday as a last-ditch effort to counter some of the “anti-science, anti-nuclear, and anti-humanist” misinformation given by Greenpeace and other NGOs who are attempting to influence the Korean Citizen Jury on nuclear energy. Despite data showing that carbon emissions are again going up in Germany due to the phase-out of nuclear energy, neither evidence nor reason appears to matter much.

I must admit that when biking with the kids along the Ume River, breathing the clean autumn air, it is sometimes hard even for me to grasp what is really at stake in these debates. When I was living in Seoul and had to check on a website whether or not it was safe to take Eddie outside, everything was much more immediate. But despite the physical distance right now, the energy choices that Korea and other countries make will have profound implications for what future Eddie and William will inherit.

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