Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Great White Fleet

For the last three days, I have been down with fever and some nasty respiratory bug. Maybe due to all the running but I have otherwise been able to stay more or less healthy this year so I guess it was about time. In any case, as I faded in and out of sleep during the longest night of the year, I was reminded of the same night exactly a decade ago, how I was out hiking on the sandy beaches of Wilsons Promontory in Australia, the last few days before flying back to Sweden. It is funny how just a few days can stay with you a lifetime while others are barely even registered.

When I am sick, I tend to read a lot of Wikipedia for some reason, maybe because it does not really take much energy. Today, I for instance read about The Great White Fleet, the first Moroccan Crisis and a few other fairly random topics. 


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