Vienna always comes back. Today as my colleague Emma was leaving for a summer at the IIASA Institute in nearby Laxenburg and I had to brief her on all my favourites spots. Then later, on the train, I felt an urge to relax after the last crazy days of thesis administration, to pour up a small bottle of The Glenlivet and start reading
So insure
Against Vienna.
Capital of insurance
Insurance of capital
where people push problems
for profit,
to the resounding sound of…
STEMPEL = stamps
stamps of the ink-tank, think tanks of reassurance
stamps of authority
stamps of bureaucracy
stamps of ...?
Singular power
I dream of standing at Westbahnhof, maybe even leaving Vienna with the night train. Just to depart with the knowledge that I will return.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Obama nominates Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, hope she gets confirmed, meanwhile in Europe, it is soon time for the EP-elections, I intend to vote Pirate and will give some good reasons for doing so here on Rawls & Me before not too long.
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