Thursday, March 06, 2025

Flying start

And with that, Sofi’s and my trip to Spain is off to a flying start. In three hours, we will touch down at the far end of the European continent, with Africa just opposite, like so many years ago. Equipped with a new biography about Ernst Wigforss, the Halmstad-born social democrat who was one of the main architects of the Swedish welfare state, I now have something to read in case the race does indeed end up being cancelled. Right now, the forecast is pretty awful with a rainstorm throughout the whole day.

Before boarding, I helped Sofi book her conference trip to Thailand in October, reminding me of how much I enjoy planning global adventures and, being my father’s son, finding the best possible tickets. In the end, we settled for Austrian Airlines even as Qatar Airways with a possible stop-over in Doha was a close contender.

Tomorrow morning, Sofi and I will pick up a Fiat 500 and head up into the mountains. I am uncertain how much I time I will have to update Rawls & Me, but I will definitely make it up with a few retroactive posts once the race is over.



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