Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Considering that my parents are both turning 75 this year, the idea of hiking together from Jonsered to Lerum on my birthday was perhaps a bit over the top. Though my initial plan was to only follow Aspen until Rådjursviken and then return the same way, I soon realized that returning would be even more demanding, and as such, we ended up going all the way for a total of eight kilometres and two hundred meters of elevation gain.

At least we got to stop at Aspenäs Herrgård for waffles and my mother also seemed very happy with our swim in Rådjursviken so, hopefully, the day will be more a source of good memories than trauma.


Once back in Gothenburg, my parents sadly had to take the train home to Kalmar so they missed out on the birthday dinner consisting of grilled fished tacos and Porta 6 Branco from the Portuguese wine region previously known as “Estremadura”, which seemed like a fitting way end to a great day.


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