Sunday, November 29, 2020

Favourite Way 400k

Feeling better with the cold, I decided that it was time to wrap up a number of different Strava challenges, including the 400k mixed-activity challenge, by running down to the Baltic in Holmsund. Given the icy roads, I opted for my Icebug Newrun GTX even as I would ideally have preferred the Cliftons or some other pair of shoes with better cushioning.

Anyhow, down in Holmsund I found a nice sandy beach where I could watch Wasaline docking in the outer port. In these exceptional times, it is somehow heart-warming to see any sign of international trade and exchange. After taking a Maurten Gel to power my return run, I headed back to Tomtebo, passing by Holmsjön with hundreds of people ice-skating on the lake.

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