Saturday, March 21, 2020


Instead of running my usual 10+ km per day, I have been down with a nasty cold for almost a week now. The same is true for Eddie who again complained about a sore throat this morning. Outside cloudless blue skies and, on Strava, I can follow my friends who are taking part in the Ultra Interval Challenge.  Yes, it sucks. But it is not Covid-19 and in a few days I will hopefully be back running around the lake.

Meanwhile, I am reading the latest issue of Fronesis on “Algorithms”, edited by my new PhD student who was kind enough to pass me a complimentary copy. While I often find its “critical” perspective to be somewhat one-dimensional and predictable, I think it is really important to consider to what extent Big Data is “automating inequality” and deepen the conversation on the material effects of these emerging technologies.

As for the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, I think we are beginning to see large regional variations in the response. Down in Stockholm, my sister tells me that people in general seem to be listening to the health authorities and that, for instance, most restaurants have closed. Here in Tomtebo, our local pizza restaurant was completely packed with people of all generations last night and I fear that real behavioural changes, especially among those 70+ and above, will happen first when the situation becomes as bad as in Lombardy and, by then, it will sort of be too late.

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