Thursday, August 03, 2017

The noise of time

Sudden flashbacks to airport terminals, time and coffee passing. Yesterday, I found some dark chocolate from the banks of the Mekong River, not far from Vũng Tàu. I flew down there as the tsunami hit Japan in 2011 and, already then, I was thinking that the oil rigs at the horizon would probably come to define the post-Fukushima world. Going swimming at the beach, I remember getting black thick oil between my toes.

Next up, four zero. I found an old blog entry from when I was turning 29 down at the Côte d'Azur. Shifting timelines and continuities. At least it helps a bit to keep writing Rawls & Me, especially since I am already now frightened by the amount of work that awaits me in the autumn with hundreds of new students and four courses to teach. Hopefully, I will find a minute or two to keep you updated. Right now however, I will disappear into the 2017 edition of The Escapist that just made it across the North Sea.



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