Cycling home with
Edith Söderström in my earphones. Still almost summer in Lund. Thought I should introduce the real purpose of this weblog: to allow my friends and family to come along to the Southwest in about a month from now! Two weeks in the US together with Nilla; starting off in
Albuquerque and Santa Fe,
driving through the desert to the San Bernadino Mountains to meet Ernest Partridge. Then down to the beaches of La Jolla before heading back to the capital region where I will visit Rutgers and Stephen Eric Bronner.
However, don’t expect too many updates before the train crosses the bridge to Kastrup on the 28th of October. And finally, what’s in that pot? Persian lamb, real good;
recipe unfortunately only in Swedish.
Can't wait to read a blog dramatization of your meeting with the revered professor..! Sounds like a great trip... as always.
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